07588 603964

How do get more information on classes or teams?
If you would like more information please contact Tracy Tomkins on 07588 603964 or email tktcheer@gmail.com
How do I pay for classes?
We prefer payment at the beginning of each month for that month. Payment can be by BACS or cash. If paying monthly then payments are worked out on a 4 week month. We also accept weekly payments via the same above methods but if you choose to pay weekly then payment is required for all weeks.
What should my child wear for class?
Anything comfortable that doesn't restrict movement. Ideally a pair of leggings, shorts and a T shirt or a crop top set. You also must ensure that only cheer trainers or indoor trainers are worn on the mats.
Are your classes insured?
Yes. We ask for a yearly fee of £20 per athlete to help cover these costs and this is due September/October of each year.
Are your teachers qualified?
Yes :) All of our teachers are fully qualified, first aid trained and hold a curernt DBS certificate.
When can we join classes?
You can join our class at anytime.
Can parents watch?
Generally we find that the children fair better if not watched and so we don't encourage this. We do perform a showcase each year where all parents and any other family can watch.